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Business Intelligence built around data teams


Mode is the central hub for your organization’s analysis, uniting data teams and business teams around data to drive business outcomes. Mode amplifies the investment you've made in every layer of the stack, by getting data you've made meaningful into everyone's hands.



Decisions powered by data
All the data tools you need, all in one place. Answer the hardest questions and provide best-in-class decision support to every level of your organization.
Analytics is a team sport
Give anyone the freedom to answer their own questions and build their own reporting. With Mode, reports are powered by centralized datasets and metrics maintained by your data team – in record time.
Get the data to the people
Love them or hate them, dashboards are how you get data out of the warehouse and into the business. With Mode, data teams can build powerful reporting in record time – and business teams can use them as jumping off points for self-service.
Next-level analysis, delivered
Perform complex statistical and predictive analysis side by side with simple charting. And when you share advanced analytics with your business teams, you can uplevel the data at the center of everyone’s decision-making.



Founded: 2013

Headquarters: San Francisco, CA


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